Close-up of a blood donation, from which two hands in blue lab gloves are just taking blood with a cannula.©Stock | sebgross

Safe Blood Donations Despite West Nile Virus

Can West Nile virus be transmitted through blood donations? A new study of 26 million donations gives the all-clear: the current testing strategies are reliable and prevent transmission. However, as the virus, which is otherwise transmitted by Culex mosquitoes, continues to spread, it may be necessary to adapt the testing procedures in the future. Researchers therefore recommend continuous monitoring of virus activity.

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Das Foto zeigt eine Weltkugel, die von einer Hand gehalten wird. Der Hintergrund ist dunkelgrün bis gelblich.©domi002 -

Psychology of Climate Action: Research Extended

The Klaus Tschira Foundation continues to support the PACE project, which has been studying people’s engagement in climate protection since 2022. The research aims to help design more effective climate action measures.

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A researcher in a level 4 suit stands in front of an incubator in a high security laboratory.©BNITM | Dino Schachten

New vaccine strategy against Ebola

Characterisation of dendritic cells in a cell culture model leads to testing of a new vaccination strategy against Ebola virus in a mouse model. The results have been published in two papers in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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Logo ECTMIH2025©ECTMIH2025

Science Congress

In October 2025, the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) will celebrate its 125th anniversary. And how do researchers celebrate? With a scientific conference! After thirty years, the ‘European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health’ (ECTMIH) is returning to Hamburg. The organisers are expecting more than 1,000 participants at the Congress Center Hamburg (CCH). Take part and send in your session proposals!

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Electron microscope image of West Nile virus.
Press releases

West Nile virus: Largest European blood donation study confirms safety in transfusion medicine

Blood transfusions are among the safest life-saving measures in medicine. However, in more and more regions of Germany, people are becoming…

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Photo of a globe in the hands of two people, against a green background.

Research for better climate protection

The PACE project (Planetary Health Action Survey) has been taking a regular psychological look at climate change since 2022. The focus is on…

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Professional Events
29.03. - 11.05.2025

Basic seminar travel medicine 2022

Teil 1: 29.-30.03.2025, Teil 2: 10.-11.05.2025

Dieser praxisorientierte Kursus macht Ärzt:innen fit für die Reiseberatung von…

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Professional Events

Diploma Course 2025

Our classic: The Diploma Course in Tropical Medicine prepares physicians for work in the tropics and is accredited by the Hamburg Medical…

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Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74
D-20359 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 285380-0
(Switchboard of the Institute)


Tel.: +49 40 285380-219
(for patients)


