Doctoral Prizes

Every year, the Association of Friends awards two doctoral prizes for the best dissertation from the BNITM in the natural sciences and medicine. After an Institute-wide call for entries, the applications are commented on by the heads of the departments or working groups concerned and forwarded to members of a Scientific Advisory Board of the Friends of the BNITM, who make the selection as an independent body. The prizes, each endowed with € 2,500, are presented to the winners in person at the general meeting of the Circle of Friends on the occasion of the annual summer festival.

The award winners

  • 2024: Kristina Meier (natural science), Michaela Raacke (medicine)
  • 2023: Chris Hoffmann (natural science), Wiebke Herr (medicine)
  • 2022: Maria Groneberg (natural science), Luzia Veletzky (medicine) 
  • 2021: Silke Olschewski (natural science)
  • 2020: Ernst Jonscher (natural science),  Melissa Khosh-Naucke (natural science),  Johannes Mischlinger (medicine) 
  • 2019: Mirjam  Groger (medicine),  Franziska Muskate (natural science)
  • 2018: Jakob Birnbaum (natural science),  Nahla Metwally (medicine) 
  • 2017: Lilli Gerstenmaier (natural science),  Paolo Mesén Ramirez (natural science)
  • 2016: Lisa Oestreich (natural science),  Maja Nielsen (medicine) 
  • 2015: Maria Lehmann (natural science),  Irma Haben (natural science)
  • 2014: Helena Calixto Fernandes (medicine),  Antje Hombach (natural science)
  • 2013: Benjamin Faist (medicine),  Marthe Janßen (natural science)
  • 2012: Guido Adler (natural science),  Johanna Fischer-Herr (medicine) 
  • 2011: Anna Bachmann (natural science),  Benno Kreuels (medicine) 
  • 2010: Laura Biller (natural science),  Annika Renneberg (natural science),  Moritz Treeck (natural science)
  • 2009: No prize was awarded this year
  • 2008: Meike Haß (natural science),  Nicole Struck (natural science)
  • 2007: Simon Vieth (natural science)
  • 2006: Florian Marks (natural science)
  • 2005: Thorsten Thye (medicine) 
  • 2004: Zita Krnajski (natural science)
  • 2003: Tanja Ihle (natural science)
  • 2002: Rosa Luzia Herbst (natural science)
  • 2001: Tim-Wolf Gilberger (natural science)
  • 2000: Jan Castan (medicine) 
  • 1999: Silvia Krobitsch (natural science)
  • 1998: Otto Berninghausen (natural science) 


  • Ulrike Kolander (VdF)
  • Administration
  • phone: +49 40 285380-402
  • email: