Conference themes 2022
The neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis is a major public health problem in Madagascar. Chronic long-term consequences of the disease, such as female genital schistosomiasis and liver fibrosis, can lead to high burden disabilities. According to ESPEN, the prevalence is over 50% in most parts of the country and almost 10 million people are in need of chemotherapy. Besides the population targeted through mass drug administration campaigns, there are challenges for the treatment of other populations in need. The population is overall aware of the existence and transmission routes of the disease, nevertheless preventive measures are hard to implement.
In 2023, an orodispensable schistosomiasis treatment for children is expected to be launched on the market. Integration strategies into national policies and guidelines need to be discussed timely in order to favor the smooth and quick integration of the new treatment in the country.
In this first Malagasy conference on schistosomiasis, we want to fuel the discussion between Malagasy stakeholders and policy makers on new strategies that can help control and management of schistosomiasis in the country. International experts will be invited to present the worldwide strategies and work together to identify adapted solutions for the country.
Key facts
Contact person
PhD Daniela Fusco
CCSM Manager
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Sarah Gruninger
CCSM Manager
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