The significance of Sanskrit names of medicinal plants used in Ayurveda
- Leif-Alexander Garbe, Kandace Baez, Vijay J. Tiwari and Fabien Schultz
- Medicinal Plant Biology 2024, 3: e028
Pharmacological and Behavioral Investigation of Putative Self-Medicative Plants in Budongo Chimpanzee Diets
- Freymann, E.; Carvalho, S.; Hobaiter, C.; Huffman, M.; Garbe, L.-A.; Ghazhelia, D. D.; Muhumuza, G.; Sempebwa, D.; Wald, F.; Robert Yikii, E.; Zuberbühler, K.; Schultz, F
- PLOS ONE 19(6): e0305219
Medical anthropology and ethnopharmacology meets community work: the impact of my work and my hopes for the future
- Schultz, F
- Exploration Revealed, 3, pp. 19
Government-funded development of innovative physical technologies for sustainable agriculture and food production in rural Germany.
- Garbe, L.-A.; Glass, S.; Wald, F.; Hellmann, A.; Sawade, H.; Weltmann, K. D.; Schultz, F.
- Platforms, 1(1), 53-87,
How to approach a study in ethnopharmacology? Providing examples of the different stages of research for newcomers to the field today.
- Schultz, F.; Garbe, L.-A.
- Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, Journal of the British Pharmacological Society, 023 Aug;11(4):e01109
Where to begin? The best publications for newcomers to ethnopharmacology
- Jahil, B.; Schultz, F.; Heinrich, M.
- Frontiers in Pharmacology Volume 14,
The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through a #INPST hashtag analysis
- Singla, R. K.; Schultz, F.; et al.
- Phytomedicine
Die Ethnopharmakologie von Heilpflanzen aus Uganda
- Schultz, F.
- Nutrition-News. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM)
Transferring ethnopharmacological results back to traditional healers in rural indigenous communities – The Ugandan Greater Mpigi region example
- Schultz, F.; Dworak-Schultz, I.; Olengo, A.; Anywar, G.; Garbe, L.-A.
- Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
Pharmacological assessment of antiprotozoal activity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of medicinal plants used in treatment of malaria in the Greater Mpigi Region in Uganda
- Schultz, F.; Osuji, F. O.; Wack, B.; Anywar, G.; Scheel, J.; Caljon, G.; Pieters, L.; Garbe, L.-A.:
- Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12:678535
Ethnopharmacology of medicinal plants in the Greater Mpigi region, Uganda. dissertation
- Schultz, F.
- TU Berlin library,
Impacts of a biomedical hashtag-based Twitter campaign: #DHPSP utilization for promotion of open innovation in digital health, patient safety, and personalized medicine
- Kletecka-Pulker, M.; Schultz, F.; et al.
- Current Research in Biotechnology
Antiinflammatory Medicinal Plants from the Ugandan Greater Mpigi Region Act as Potent Inhibitors in the COX-2 / PGH2 Pathway
- Schultz, F.; Osuji, F. O.; Wack, B.; Anywar, G.; Garbe, L. A.
- Plants, 10(2), 351
A bibliographic assessment using the Degrees of Publication method: Medicinal plants from the rural Greater Mpigi region (Uganda).
- Schultz, F.; Anywar, G.; Quave, C.L.; Garbe, L.-A.
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 6661565
Targeting ESKAPE pathogens with anti-infective medicinal plants from the Greater Mpigi region in Uganda
- Schultz, F.; Anywar, G.; Tang, H.; Chassange, F.; Lyles, J.T.; Garbe, L.-A.; Quave, C.L.
- Nature Scientific Reports, volume 10, Article number: 11935
Ethnobotanical study of selected medicinal plants traditionally used in the rural Greater Mpigi region of Uganda.
- Schultz, F.; Anywar, G.; Wack, B.; Quave, C.L.; Garbe, L.-A.
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 256
Field Notes: Ugandan Rainforest Dreams
- Schultz, F.
- Field Notes in Pharmacognosy. American Society of Pharmacognosy - Discovering Nature’s Molecular Potential, Spring 2019, Volume 55, Issue 1: 18
Trihydroxyfettsäuren – Natürliche Fungizide und Konservierungsstoffe. (translated: Trihydroxy fatty acids – natural fungicides and preservatives)
- Garbe, L.-A.; Schultz, F.
- Wiley: GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift, 4, 26 ff (translated: G.I.T. Laboratory Journal Europe)