![[Translate to English:] Jacqueline Häußler [Translate to English:] Portrait of a white female person with long brown hair, wearing a grey suit and a white shirt.](/fileadmin/media/Forschung/forschungsgruppen/Implementation/AG_Medizinische_Anthropologie/Portraits/Jacqueline_Rahmen_r_o.jpg)
Jacqueline Häußler
Project Manager
I have a colorful biography; in 2011 I finished my first BA in Communication Design at the University for Applied Sciences in Munich, afterwards I worked as an Art Director for an Advertising Agency from 2011 to 2015. From 2015 onwards, I have been working as a freelance Communication Designer and Photographer, collaborating with various clients on a broad spectrum of projects, from UX- and UI-, corporate, and editorial design to food, documentary and portrait photography and more. In 2021 I received my 2nd BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Political Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin; in my thesis I engaged with Truth, Post-Truth and Covid-19 through the lens of Reflexive Modernity according to Ulrich Beck. At this moment, I am doing my MA in Global History, a joint master program of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. My research interests revolve around an interdisciplinary approach to Catastrophe, Conflict and Violence, as well as the social construction of knowledge.
At the AG Medical Anthropology, I am working on the Knowledge Transfer Project of the research on Mobility Regimes of Pandemic Preparedness and Response in the Case of Covid-19, combining my interdisciplinary skills in Communication Design, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Research interests: Formation and perpetuation of conflict and mass violence, lived experience of conflict, catastrophe and violence, social construction of risk, knowledge production, production of public and private memory.
E-Mail: jacqueline.haeussler@bnitm.de