Research Group Vector Control

Research Group Vector Control

Eine Mücke auf der Handfläche eines Menschen
Man sieht in einem Wald einen kleinen dunklen Kasten,die Mückenfalle, am Baum hängen
Zwei junge Afrikaner die mit einer Kelle etwas Wasser aus einem Rinnsal vom Wegensrand schöpfen


The research of this group focuses on arboviruses in Africa. Africa has been the source of most major mosquito-borne viruses of medical importance. Recent epidemics and outbreaks of Zika virus, Yellow fever virus, Chikungunya virus, West Nile virus or Dengue virus have shown that stable zoonoses can flare-up or spread with serious public health impacts. The increasing population and extension of urban environments promote contact between humans and infected wildlife or sylvatic vectors.

Dr Renke Lühken: a researcher wearing a green and yellow checkered shirt, short dark blond hair and a short beard.
Group Leader Arbovirology Ecology

Dr Renke Lühken

phone: +49 40 285380-862


AG Vektorkontrolle

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