Our research
Reducing child marriages through CCTs: Evidence from a large-scale policy intervention in Indonesia
- Jan Priebe and Sudarno Sumarto
- Journal of Public Economics. 242: 105306
Factors associated with skilled birth attendance in 37 low-income and middle-income countries: a secondary analysis of nationally representative, individual-level data
- Jan Priebe, John Amuasi, Teguh Dartanto, Ghyslain Mombo-Ngoma and Maximilian Guigas
- The Lancet Global Health
Vaccine hesitancy and trust in sub‑Saharan Africa
- Kerstin Unfried and Jan Priebe
- Scientific Reports
Importing air pollution? Evidence from China’s plastic waste imports
- K. Unfried and F. Wang
- Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Vol. 125 (102996)
Who shares fake news on social media? Evidence from vaccines and infertility claims in sub-Saharan Africa
- Kerstin Unfried and Jan Priebe
Disability and risk preferences: Experimental and survey evidence from Vietnam
- Jan Priebe, Ute Rink and Henry Stemmler
- The Economic Journal
Toward future triage regulations: Investigating preferred allocation principles of the German public
- Sprengholz, P., Bruckmann, R., Wiedermann, M., Brockmann, D. & Betsch, C.
- Health Policy, 134, 104845
The heterogeneous effects of conflict on education: A spatial analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Kerstin Unfried and Krisztina Kis-Katos
- Journal of Peace Research
Can mHealth campaigns improve CCT outcomes? Experimental evidence from sms-nudges in Indonesia
- Lenel F, Priebe J, Satriawan E and Syamsulhakim E
- J Health Econ. 2022 Dec;86:102687. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102687
Leave no one behind” in middle-income countries. A review of progress and policies
- Lay J, Priebe J
- Transitioning to no poverty. Edt.: Günther and Lahoti, MDPI Books, Basel, Switzerland
Discrimination in post-conflict settings: Experimental evidence from Colombia
- Unfried K, Diaz MI and Restrepo-Plazaz LM
- World Development. Volume 154, June 2022, 105877. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105877
Water scarcity and social conflict
- Unfried K, Kis-Katos K, Poser T
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Volume 113, May 2022, 10263.
How (not) to mobilize health workers in the fight against vaccine hesitancy: Experimental evidence from Germany's AstraZeneca controversy
- Priebe J, Silber H, Beuthner C, Pötzschke S
- BMC Public Health. 2022 Mar 16;22(1):516. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12725-9
Scores, camera, action: Social accountability and teacher incentives in remote areas
- Gaduh A, Pradhan M, Priebe J and Susant D
- World Bank Policy Research Working paper no. 9748
Importing air pollution? Evidence from China's plastic waste imports
- Unfried K and Wang F
- IZA Discussion Paper No. 15218. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2022.102633