Expanding capacities for non-proliferation and risk minimisation of proliferation-critical human pathogens in Ukraine 2023
Our working group has been on site in Ukraine since 2016 as part of the Federal Foreign Office's German Biosecurity Programme.
Various highly pathogenic pathogens for humans and animals occur naturally in Ukraine. The work of the biosecurity programme therefore enables Ukraine to detect and respond to unusual disease outbreaks at an early stage. In addition, the biosafety programme promotes the development of skills and the introduction of efficient procedures to strengthen laboratory safety.
This is what we do on site:
- Training of laboratory staff in biosafety and biosecurity and workshops in detection and diagnostics of highly pathogenic viruses to prevent the spread of these Improvement
- Theoretical and practical training of hospital staff on biosafety and biosecurity in handling infectious patient materials
- Implementation of serological and molecular genetic proficiency tests for CCHFV HNTV and MPOXV for quality assurance purposes
- Exchange of scientists
- Joint visits and presentations at national and international congresses

Our previous projects in Ukraine:
2016 - 2017 "Diagnostics and surveillance of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in Ukraine"
2018 - 2019 "Increasing biosecurity through improved diagnostics and seroprevalence studies of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and Hanta (HTN) viruses in Ukraine 2018-2019"
2020 - 2022 "Sustainable strengthening of biosafety competences in dealing with proliferation-critical human pathogens in Ukraine"
Our Partners:
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Public Health Center of the MOH of Ukraine „PHCU“
State Institution “Lviv Oblast Center for diseases control and prevention of Ministry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
State Institution “Kharkiv Oblast Center for diseases control and prevention of Ministry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
State Institution „Ukrainian 1.1. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa“