Reducing the bioterrorist threat in the Western Balkans to stabilise the biosecurity situation with a focus on detection, biosafety and biosecurity

This project is also part of the German Biosecurity Programme and aims to stabilise preventive security policy in the Western Balkans (Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo) by minimising the occurrence and misuse of proliferation-relevant pathogens.
Our partners in Kosovo act as a central training centre for the countries of Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Our Partners:

National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo „NIPH“

Institute of Public Health of Albania

Institute of Public Health of North Macedonia

Institute of Virology, vaccines and sera-Torlak, Serbia

A map of Southern Europe, with the Western Balkans highlighted in colour. The other countries are shown in grey.
Westbalkanprojekte   gt29 -

Lab Group Emmerich

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