Prof. Dr Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit
phone: +49 171 212 7900, +49 40 285380 271
email: schmidt-chanasit@bnitm.de
Research Group Leader
phone: +49 171 212 7900, +49 40 285380 271
email: schmidt-chanasit@bnitm.de
We investigate how arboviruses interact with their mosquito vectors and how these interactions affect virus evolution and transmissibility. We are studying the biotic and abiotic factors of arbovirus emergence and are involved in arbovirus outbreak response. In addition, we provide specific support for outbreak response to the WHO Collaborating Centre for Arbovirus and Haemorrhagic Fever Reference and Research including on-the-spot investigations, confirmation of diagnosis, handling of dangerous (biosafety level III) pathogens, case detection, and provision of logistics in the form of staff and supplies.
Currently, there are four study groups within the department that are performing arbovirus research worldwide.
Prof. Dr Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit
phone: +49 171 212 7900, +49 40 285380 271
email: schmidt-chanasit@bnitm.de
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