Teaching Activities

We are involved in the following national and international teaching and training activities:

Modules in basic epidemiology and statistics for health professionals and medical doctors at BNITM

'Tropenkurs für medizinisches Fachpersonal, Diplomkurs Tropenmedizin'
Visit course

Modules in Epidemiology & Control of Infectious diseases in outbreak settings

EPICID, TropEd accredited short course and Introduction in Data Management with REDCap
Visit course

Module in epidemiology

BNITM Leibniz Center Infection Graduate School, PhD program
Learn more about the program

Second Track intermed “Tropenmedizin: Ausbruchsuntersuchung und Diagnostik”

Medical studies at Hamburg University

Introductory course on epidemiology, statistics and the use of statistical software

Collaboration with Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, KCCR in Kumasi, Ghana
Visit KCCR

Lab Group One Health Disease Control

Das Foto zeigt Dr. Florian Gehre. Er trägt kurze rötliche Locken, einen Dreitagebart und ein weißes Hemd und lächelt freundliche in die Kamera.
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Dr Florian Gehre

email: gehre@bnitm.de

Das Foto zeigt die Forscherin Muna Affara. Sie trägt halblange dunkle Haare, einen bunten mit großen Blumen bedruckten Pullover und lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Dr Muna Affara

email: affara@bnitm.de

  • [Translate to English:] The Project is funded by the European Union