Identification of early treatments to prevent progression of COVID-19 to severe disease and limit disease transmission

The ANTICOV clinical trial responds to the urgent need to identify treatments that can be used to treat mild and moderate cases of COVID-19 early and prevent spikes in hospitalizations that could overwhelm fragile and already overburdened health systems in low-resource settings.

More project information coming soon...

For further details please visit the AntiCov website.

Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Prof. Dr Jürgen May:ein Forscher, der eine Glatze hat und ein weißes Hemd mit grauem Sakko trägt.
Head of Dpt. Infectious Diseases Epidemiology

Prof. Dr Jürgen May

phone: +49 40 285380-402


Ulrike Kolander: eine Assistentin, die kurze helle Haare, eine Brille und ein weißen Pullover trägt.

Ulrike Kolander

phone: +49 40 285380-402

fax: +49 40 285380-400


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