We take responsibility
The authorisation to conduct an animal experiment is a complex process. First, the scientists write a corresponding application. They have to take various aspects into account. These include detailed questions, objectives, knowledge gain, precise description of the interventions, stress assessments, biometrically and statistically validated number of animals used in the experiment as well as possible effects on the environment.
Qualification and expertise
The German Animal Welfare Act specifies exactly who is allowed to carry out animal experiments (§9 para. 1 sentence 1 TSchG). The person must have a university degree in medicine, veterinary medicine or natural sciences. They must also have completed officially recognised special courses. These qualifications are a prerequisite for obtaining approval for an animal experiment from the competent authorities in the first place. Furthermore, all persons involved in animal experiments must provide evidence of annual continuing education and training.
Permit requirements and control authorities

An ethical evaluation and proof that the 3Rs principle (Replace, Reduce, Refine) is being followed are also an essential part of animal experiment applications. After thorough consultation and a written statement by the animal welfare officer, the application is forwarded to the competent authority. In cooperation with an independent animal protection commission according to §15 of the Animal Welfare Act, the competent authority examines the proposed experiment in detail. If the experimental project is approved, the authority issues a temporary permit that can be revoked at any time.
The 3Rs Principle
In their 1959 book "The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique", the two British researchers William Russell and Rex Burch shaped the ethical principle of the 3Rs Directive. The 3Rs stand for Replace, Reduce and Refine.
Every scientist involved in animal experiments is aware of his or her responsibility to consistently implement these principles of action that contribute to the welfare of laboratory animals.
When planning and carrying out animal experiments, they are avoided altogether if possible and replaced by alternatives, the number of animals used is reduced to a minimum and/or the experimental methods used are constantly improved in order to promote the well-being of the animals and to reduce their suffering to an indispensable level.
Further information on the 3Rs Directive (Only in German) can be found on the website of the initiative "Tierversuche verstehen".

Animal Welfare Committee at BNITM
According to § 6 TierSchVersV, institutions that conduct animal experiments are obliged to appoint an Animal Welfare Committee (TierSchA). At the Bernhard Nocht Institute, the Animal Protection Committee is composed as follows:
- The responsible person according to § 11 TierSchG,
- the animal welfare officer of our facility,
- the animal caretaker entrusted with the care of the animals,
- two scientists involved in animal experiments
- one scientist not involved in animal experiments
The committee meets at least twice a year. Interested parties can read about the tasks of the Animal Welfare Committee in § 6 (2) 1-7. Primarily, the TierSchA supports the animal welfare officers and accordingly in the implementation of 3Rs in our animal husbandry. Among other things, the members of the committee also follow the developments and results of animal experiments, taking into account the effects on animal welfare.
If you have any further questions about the tasks of our Animal Welfare Committee, please do not hesitate to contact tierschutzausschuss@bnitm.de.
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