iACE Mission

Health threats in populations require global and international preparedness and effective responses. The Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE) at the BNITM contributes to this through education and capacity exchange initiatives in Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia.


Our Aims

  • Strengthen laboratory and diagnostic capacities
  • Minimise biological risks
  • Enhance national preparedness capacities
  • Foster international scientific exchange
  • Teach safe conduct with infectious agents
  • Strengthen health systems
  • Teach epidemiology and infectious disease control
  • Improve research methods capacities
  • Inform public health policy
  • Increase the international visibility of the BNITM

Our Approaches

  • Blended learning (combination of digital and face-to-face teaching)
  • Train-the-trainer concept
  • Provide context-specific preparedness training
  • Provide tools to foster sustainability
  • Promote local ownership
  • Mentorship programmes
  • Funding programmes and internships for students and staff


Eine Wissenschaftlerin mit einem Kopftuch schreibt konzentriert Notizen an ein Flipchart.
Training of Trainers   ©Swiss TPH | Joachim Pelikan

Specific Methods

  • E-Learning
  • Distance learning
  • Face-to-Face training
  • Practical training sessions
  • Development of teaching and learning materials for multiplier effects by participants
  • Training in laboratory methods
  • Adult learning techniques
  • Implementation support
  • Training in setting up mobile laboratories


  • Mobile laboratories
  • Digital teaching and learning platforms
  • Stable cooperation partners and institutions
  • Training facilities
  • Three servers for 'big data' storage
Eine Wissenschaftlerin übt konzentriert ein labordiagnostisches Verfahren an einem Arbeitstisch. Um sie herum sind diverses Equipment für die Labordiagnostik und Dokumente verteilt.
Strengthening laboratory and diagnostic capacities   ©BNITM | Kathrin Schuldt

Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE)

  • [Translate to English:] Logo der IACE: Die Buchstaben iACE sind mit schwarzen Strichen in den Buchstaben gezeichnet. Unter dem Logo steht ausgeschrieben International Academy of Competence and Education for Global Health