I enjoy(ed) working at BNITM, …

Claudia, medical technologist, lab manager



“...because I feel valued by my team and we overcome demanding challenges together. I also find the house very inviting in both summer and winter.”

Photo of the institute in summer, in the foreground palm trees
The institute in summer   ©Claudia Marggraff



…I also find the house very inviting in both summer and winter.”


Photo of the institute in winter, there is snow.
The institute in winter   ©Claudia Marggraff

Sara Martins Alfonso, PhD student in the Arbovirology Department



"...because it fosters an environment of inclusion and mutual respect that makes me feel truly seen and heard, even as a Portuguese researcher who does not speak the local language."

Portrait photo of doctoral student Sara Martins Alfonso. She has reddish hair and looks friendly into the camera.
Sara Martins Alfonso   ©Sara Martins Alfonso

Kandace Baez, doctoral student in the Implementation Research Department



"...because it is an English-speaking institute, that is the best thing about working at BNITM as an international researcher. I feel like I can really exchange ideas with the staff and other research projects at BNITM without getting lost in translation. It is exciting to be part of Germany's largest research institute for tropical medicine!"

Photo of doctoral student Kandace Baez. She stands in front of a blue sky, has long brown hair and looks friendly into the camera
Kandace Baez   ©Kandace Baez

Jean-Marc Kutz, physician and associated researcher, Implementation Research Working Group, 1st from left



"...because we connect politics, public health and medicine and thus advance research worldwide, for example on neglected diseases such as schistosomiasis."

Group photo from the CCSM Madagascar 2024
CCSM Madagaskar 2024   ©BNITM l Hasambarana Rakotobe

Prof. Dr Iris Bruchhaus, Head of the Research Group Host-Parasite Interaction, Member of the Board



“…because I am fascinated by research into the survival strategies of parasites in their hosts.”

Prof. Iris Bruchhaus, a researcher with a white and blue blouse, curly medium-length hair, glasses and an open smile
Prof. Dr. Iris Bruchhaus   ©BNITM | Dino Schachten

Natalie B.



"...because there are nice and committed people here who, with their different strengths and expertise, work together towards our goal: Our activities should particularly benefit people in the endemic regions of poverty-related and neglected tropical diseases."

Study location in rural Madagascar
Study location in rural Madagascar   ©BNITM

Julia Rauner, Press office



“…because the horizon here is broader than I have ever experienced in my professional life.”

View from the BNITM press office of the port of Hamburg, with ships and cranes against a fiery orange sunset
View from the BNITM press office of the port of Hamburg, with ships and cranes against a fiery orange sunset   ©BNITM | Julia Rauner

Maxine Pepper, Intern



“…because on your wanderings through the institute, around every corner you come across an exciting project and people passionate about their work.”

The photo shows two researchers, a woman and a man, wearing face masks and lab coats, sitting in front of a screen and talking.
In the lab   ©BNITM | Dino Schachten



"...because my field of activity is varied and I love the contact with employees and patients."

Irmela van Kempen, Reception

“...because it feels like being in a big family.”

Technical assistant, virology

The entrance of the BNITM
The entrance of the BNITM   ©BNITM | Julia Rauner

Daniela Fusco, PhD, Head of the Research Group Implementation Research



"...because I enjoy working at BNITM because it gives me the freedom to implement my projects without setting limits to my creativity."

Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.: a researcher in front of a dark red brick background, wearing her blonde shoulder-length hair loose.
Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.   ©Pia Rausche

Dr Fabien Schultz, head of the Junior Research Group Ethnopharmacology and Zoopharmacognosy



"...because here, with my junior research group, I have the opportunity to conduct research at the interface between research and healthcare in tropical regions. I can also work in niche areas and develop sustainable solutions for the health problems of the future."

A group of people sit in a circle with Fabien Schultz, participating in a group discussion. They are outdoors, with trees visible in the background. Fabien Schultz has his laptop on his lap.
Dr. Fabien Schultz conducting ethnobotanical surveys among isolated Batwa communities in the Bwindi Rainforest in Uganda.   ©Inken Dworak-Schultz

Dr Rosa Isela-Gálvez, Post-Doc in the Protozoan Immunology Research Group



"...because I can research neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). These diseases are very common among the most socioeconomically disadvantaged groups in poor countries like my home country Peru. I find it very fulfilling to be part of an institute that has interdisciplinary teams with different perspectives. Here we develop strategies to gain scientific knowledge while developing practical solutions that can noticeably improve the lives of many people."

Photo of Dr. Rosa Isela-Gálvez wearing a surgical mask in the lab, sitting at a bench.
Dr. Rosa Isela-Gálvez   ©BNITM | Dino Schachten

Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann, occasional guest of the University of Hamburg




“...because the view is priceless.”

Laboratory with a view: The photo shows a hand in bright green laboratory gloves with a pipette in hand, behind it the Hamburg harbor panorama with a bright blue sky.
Laboratory with a view   ©Christine Hopp

Prof. Dr. Michael Ramharter, Head of the Department of Clinical Research



"…because friends are amazing!"

Prof. Dr. Michael Ramharter: a doctor with short blond hair and glasses, wearing a light blue shirt and a dark blue jacket.
Prof. Dr. Michael Ramharter   ©UKE

Angelika Sturm, former PhD student in the then called Department of Parasitology




“…because I made friends for life. Despite being a large institute, the BNITM has a family-like atmosphere where everyone supports each other, and you quickly get to know many people. In the picture (from left to right), you see Simona John von Freyend, Michaela Petter, and me. We met at the BNITM during our PhD studies 20 years ago, and our journeys have taken us in exciting directions. Michaela continues to thrive in science at Uniklinikum Erlangen, while Simona and I recently founded our own company, Biovidera Scientific Studios.”

The selfie shows three female researchers in front of the new BNITM building. The sun is shining, the colleagues are smiling warmly at the camera.
From left to right: Simona John von Freyend, Michaela Petter, Angelika Sturm   ©Angelika Sturm

Rehema M Moirongo, former PhD-student in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology



"…because the leadership provided direction while giving me the freedom to grow, explore my potential, and maximise my strengths."

Three people stand in front of a bookshelf. The person in the middle wears a mortarboard.
Rehema Moirongo, Jürgen May and Daniel Eibach   ©Rehema M Moirongo