
Medizinische Kurse

Auffrischkursus Aktuelle Tropenmedizin II 2024 vom 23.-24.11.2024

Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Tropenmedizin und neue interessante Arbeiten von Forschenden des BNITM: All das bietet unser Auffrischkursus II.

Wir freuen uns besonders, dass Interessierte am Vorabend zwei Stunden mit Prof. Egbert Tannich ihre Mikroskopiekenntnisse auffrischen können.

Hier geht es zu weiteren Informationen und zur Anmeldung.

Save the Date: Tag der Reisegesundheit 2025

Der Tag der Reisegesundheit wird am 15.02.2025 in der Katholischen Akademie in Hamburg stattfinden.

Weitere Informationen zum Programm wie auch das Anmeldeformular werden im Herbst 2024 zur Verfügung stehen. Eine Vorabreservierung ist leider nicht möglich.

Save the Date: Basisseminar Reisemedizin 2025

Das Basisseminar wird, auch wie in den vergangenen Jahr als Online-Veranstaltung, an folgenden Wochenenden durchgeführt:

Teil 1: 29.-30.03.2025

Teil 2: 10.-11.05.2025

Weitere Informationen wie auch die Anmeldemöglichkeit werden ab Anfang November 2024 zur Verfügung stehen. Eine Vorabreservierung ist leider nicht möglich.

Diploma Course in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 2025

The course dates for the coming year are 31 March - 27 June 2025. The diploma course is a full-time, on-site course at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg. Online participation is not possible.

In 2025, the course will be held entirely in English for the first time.

Further information and the registration form can be found here.


International Courses


Well-functioning and sustainable laboratory services are at the basis of strong health systems and crucial for improving public health and research capacities of countries. This is a 2-week intensive course aimed at describing the role of laboratory systems in strengthening health services and research capacity with a special focus on low and middle-income countries (LMIC). The emphasis is on explaining the structure and functions of laboratory systems and their effective and efficient management.  Moreover, areas where laboratory systems overlap and/or complement health systems are being considered. The course uses interactive, simulation-based exercises, as well as practical sessions to complement the theoretical content.

Programme and more information



Epidemiology provides important tools for the assessment and response to health threats in populations. This is a 3-week intensive course on the principles and methods of field epidemiology and the way these inform the control of infectious diseases in outbreak settings. The course uses interactive, simulation-based exercises, epidemiological case studies, laboratory- and computer-based practical sessions to complement the theoretical content.

Programme and application



GIBACHT is an educational programme established and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. The training programme focuses on threats and risks conferred by biological agents and bioweapons and their successful prevention and control. The programme is offered and responsibly conducted by two German institutes, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, as well as the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland, and the African Field Epidemiology Network in Kampala, Uganda.

BNITM and partners from the German Biosecurity Programme are seeking applicants for the next cohort of in the international training programme 'Global Partnership Initiated Biosecurity Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT)'.

Program Information

Apply here for the next cohort

Note for travel grants

Travel grants for scientists from low to middle income countries: Ortrud Mührer Travel Grant.