Howard and Gabriele Kroch Scholarship

The Howard and Gabriele Kroch Foundation offers an annual Howard and Gabriele Kroch Scholarship for young researchers at the BNITM. The aim of the scholarship is to support and promote young scientists in the field of tropical medicine in their work on site at a BNITM partner institution in the Global South.


Who can apply?

Young researchers (including Bachelor's and Master's students, doctoral candidates and other early career researchers) who are employed at the BNITM or associated with the BNITM.


What is supported?

Funding is available for small scientific projects (research duration between 6-8 months) with a stay in a BNITM partner country (country in which the BNITM cooperates with an institution). The project must deal with a tropical disease and/or have a potentially significant medical benefit for vulnerable population groups in resource-poor regions.

The research project must be agreed between the applicants and the respective department or group management. The funding should cover  living expenses on site as well as travelling expenses. 

The funding amount totals 7,500 euros, which is paid to the scholarship holder via the BNITM in consultation with the respective department or research group head. 


Application procedure

Application documents must be sent in a PDF file by e-mail to by 13.10.2024. The documents must include:

  • a CV 

  • a project description (max. one page)

  • a letter of support from the project management

The selection takes place in two stages and, after the first selection, includes an invitation to a presentation to the foundation after which the final decision on funding is made. The decision to award the scholarship is made by the Howard and Gabriele Kroch Foundation in consultation with the BNITM .



If you have any questions regarding the application for Howard and Gabriele Kroch Scholarship, please do not hesitate to contact us: