A multicultural partnership for sustainable change through
mutual transformational learning

Contact: Dewi Ismajani Puradiredja


Tertiary education is navigating through significant geopolitical, sociocultural, environmental and technological transformations. The advent of COVID-19 and generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has altered conventional classroom settings, and climate change calls for online/hybrid learning approaches. Conflicts and wars polarize societies, affecting students and faculty.

We therefore urgently need

  1. cultural-sensitive learning approaches for students and faculty to train generic competences needed to master societal transformations, and
  2. an institutionalized process that fosters the agile reform of curricula ensuring education keeps pace with societal change. 

We plan to co-create, implement and disseminate transformational learning approaches for MSc participants, PhD candidates and faculty, focusing on multicultural collaboration and mutual respect. This involves creating a thematic framework, toolkits & video tutorial, alongside establishing a Community of Practice and inventory of good practice for faculty support. 

Collaboration with institutions in Switzerland, Germany and South Africa will enrich the project through shared expertise in multicultural and transformational learning and innovative digital learning, contributing to the sustainability, impact and dissemination of the project. This project aims to advance and enrich the educational system by fostering inter-institutional networks and creating innovative pedagogical materials, preparing students and faculty to effectively navigate future challenges. 


Partner Country Project Partner
Germany Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM)
South Africa Witwatersrand University, School of Public Health
Switzerland Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
  Università della Svizzera italiana

Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE)

  • Logo der IACE: Die Buchstaben iACE sind mit schwarzen Strichen in den Buchstaben gezeichnet. Unter dem Logo steht ausgeschrieben International Academy of Competence and Education for Global Health