Short Courses at iACE


Health threats in populations require global and international preparedness and effective responses. The Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE) at the BNITM contributes to this through education and capacity strengthening initiatives in Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia.



Contact: Dewi Ismajani Puradiredja
Course Information: shortcourse(at)


Epidemiology provides important tools for the assessment and response to health threats in populations. EPICID - Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases in Outbreak Settings is tropEd accredited 3-week intensive course on the principles and methods of epidemiology and the way these inform the control of infectious diseases in outbreak settings. The course is available annually since 2018 and uses interactive, simulation-based exercises, as well as laboratory- and computer-based practical sessions to complement the theoretical content.

For more information on the 2024 EPICID short course, visit the course website or download our information flyer.


Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer:innen des EPICID Kurses. Zu sehen sind ist eine kulturell gemischte Gruppe freundlich lachender Teilnehmer:innen des EPICID Kurses. Die Teilnehmer:innen stehen auf einer Treppe vor einem antiken Gebäude und tragen dickere Jacken.
EPICID group picture (2022)   ©BNITM | Dino Schachten

Lab Sphere Teilnehmer üben den Zusammenbau einer mobilen Glove Box. Zu sehen sind drei Forscher:innen. Eine Forscherin hilft einer bereits mit Schutzkittel bekleideten Forscherin in die Handschuh. Dahinter steht ein weiterer Forscher und beobachtet den Ablauf.
LAB-SPHERE participants practicing assembling the glove box in Hamburg   ©BNITM | Daniela Fusco



Contact:Daniela Fusco
Course Information: shortcourse(at)


Well-functioning and sustainable laboratory services are key components of strong health systems and crucial for improving public health and research capacities of countries. Lab-SPHERE - Laboratory Systems and Public Health in Resource-Limited Settings is a tropEd accredited 2-week intensive course offered annually since 2019 aimed at describing the role of laboratory systems in strengthening health services and research capacity with a special focus on low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The emphasis is on explaining the structure and functions of laboratory systems and their effective and efficient management. Moreover, areas where laboratory systems overlap and/or complement health systems are being considered. The course uses interactive, simulation-based exercises, as well as laboratory- and computer-based practical sessions to complement the theoretical content.

Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE)

  • Logo der IACE: Die Buchstaben iACE sind mit schwarzen Strichen in den Buchstaben gezeichnet. Unter dem Logo steht ausgeschrieben International Academy of Competence and Education for Global Health