
tropEd Network for Education in International Health


Since September 2019 the BNITM is an accredited member institution of the tropEd Network for Education in International Health ( tropEd is an international network of member institutions for higher education in international/global health from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America. tropEd provides postgraduate opportunities for education and training contributing to sustainable development. It focuses on improving the management of health services for disadvantaged populations. The innovative approach is based on mobility of people, the exchange of experiences in different disciplines and the establishment of a common standard in education and training.


Die internationalen Mitglieder des tropEd-Netzwerks für "Education in International Health" stehen lächelnd in einem Garten.
Member institute of tropEd Network for Education in International Health   ©BNITM l tropEd

Interdisciplinary Academy of Competence & Education for Global Health (iACE)

  • Logo der IACE: Die Buchstaben iACE sind mit schwarzen Strichen in den Buchstaben gezeichnet. Unter dem Logo steht ausgeschrieben International Academy of Competence and Education for Global Health