News From the Group

February 2025: Dr. Stefan Sliwa Ruiz started as post-doc in the Health Economics Research group. Please see his personal website for further information. Link.

January 2025: The Health Economics Research group was successful and received a grant in the most recent call of the European Commission's European Horizon program. The project consortium includes the University of Tübingen (Germany), the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL), CERMEL (Gabon), FCRM (DRC), FORS (Benin), and KNUST (Ghana) and will explore enhanced antiparasitic treatment for better health in pregnant women and their their children in sub-Saharan Africa. More details will be posted on our project site over the next months. 

January 2025: Dr. Jan Priebe presented on recent methodological advances in the field of health-related audit studies in the social sciences at the annual Leibniz Center Infections (LCI) symposium. Please see the LCI website for further information. Link.

November 2024: Mr. Cédric Mbavu was awarded a four-year PhD fellowship by Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS). Please see the KAS website for further information: Link.

November 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe participated as senior discussant at the annual workshop of the committee on allocation & distribution of the German Health Economics Association (dggö) in Cologne, Germany: Please see the dggö website for further information: Link.

October 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe presented recent work on the role of endogenous online information acquisition on health behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa at the University of Wageningen, Netherlands: Please see the university's website for further information: Link.

June 2024: Mr. Cédric Mbavu participated in a summer school ('Global School in Empirical Research Methods) at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland: Please see the GSERM website for further information:

June 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe presented recent work on the role of religious discrimination in healthcare settings at the economics seminar at the University of Braunschweig, Germany: Please see the institute's website for further information:

April 2024: Mr. Maximilian Guigas presented recent work on vaccine hesitancy in sub-Saharan Africa at the Development Economics Network Berlin (DENeB) PhD workshop in Hamburg, Germany: Please see the conference website for further information:

April 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe joined the steering committee of the Leibniz Research Alliance ‘INFECTIONS in an urbanizing world - Humans, animals, environments’. Please see the Leibniz website for further information:

April 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe participated as senior discussant at the annual PhD workshop of the committee on development cooperation of the German Health Economics Association (dggö) in Erlangen, Germany: Please see the dggö website for further information:

April 2024: Mr. Cédric Mbavu was awarded a travel grant (Early carreer researcher trip) by the German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) to visit the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Please see the GLOHRA website for further information:

April 2024: Dr. Kerstin Unfried presented recent work on the sharing of vaccination-related fake news on social media at the annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society in Vienna, Austria. Please see the conference website for further details:

March 2024: Dr. Kerstin Unfried was awarded the prestigious European Commission's Marie-Sklowdowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship. As part of the fellowship Dr. Unfried will spend two years at the University of Bozen. For information on the fellowship please see:

March 2024: Dr. Jan Priebe presented his recent work on the impact of deforestation in Indonesia on the mental health of indigenous populations at the annual meeting of the German Health Economics Association (dggö) in Halle, Germany. Please see the conference website for further information:

January 2024: On 25 January 2024, the Health Economics Research group hosted together with the Digital Development Dialogues Team (3D) a virtual seminar session on ‘Culture, beliefs, and health care utilization in Africa’. Key note speakers were Prof. Sara Lowes from UCSD and Prof. Ghyslain Mombo-Ngoma from BNITM/CERMEL. For further information on the event please see:

November 2023: Dr. Jan Priebe presented recent work on religious discrimination in the provision of primary health care in Indonesia at the annual meeting of the 'Committee on allocation and distribution' of the German Society for Health Economics (dggö).

November 2023: Prof. Alex Chan (Harvard Business School) presented his work on Diversity and Discrimination in Health Care at the Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE). The presention is part of a joint collaboration between the Health Economics Research Group and the HCHE. For further information on the event please see:

October 2023: Dr Jan Priebe joint the high-level panel on reforms of Indonesia's health insurance system at the 8th Biennal Scientific Meeting in Depok, Indonesia. Please see the conference website for further details:

October 2023: Dr Jan Priebe starts his new function as extended board member at BNITM.

September 2023: Dr Kerstin Unfried presented her work on the impact of pre- and debunking tools to reduce the spread of fake news in social media at the Göttingen School of Development Economics Network conference. Dr Jan Priebe presented his work on the impact of palm oil expansion (decline of rain forest) on the mental health of indigenous peoples in Indonesia at the same event.

September 2023: Several members of the research group (Maximilian Guigas, Dr Kerstin Unfried, Dr Jan Priebe) participated in the annual meeting of the Committee on Development Cooperation of the German Society for Health Economics (dggö).

June 2023: Maximilian Guigas presented at the PhD seminar of the Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE) his current work on interventions to reduce the spread of health-related fake news on social media.

June 2023: Dr Jan Priebe became a permanent member of the Research Group on Development Economics (Entwicklungsökonomischer Ausschuss) at the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik). Please see the website of the research group for further details:

April 2023: To further strengthen research capabilities in the Global South, our research group donated ten tablets to CERMEL (Gabon). We would like thank the BNITM’s Association of friends and supporters (Verein der Freunde) that funded this initiative.

March 2023: The research group welcomes Ms. Jeanne Vallette d’Osia as student assistant to support primary data collection activities in Gabon.

January 2023: Dr Jan Priebe starts his new function as speaker of the Implementation Research section at BNITM.

November 2022: The Health Economics Research Group (Dr Jan Priebe, Dr Kerstin Unfried, Maximilian Guigas, Cédric Mbavu) participated in the Leibniz Environment and Development Symposium (LEADS) hosted by the German Institute for Global and Area Studies. Please see the website of GIGA for further details:

October 2022: Dr Kerstin Unfried was awarded the prestigious Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics by the Joachim Herz Foundation. Please visit the website of the Joachim Herz Foundation for additional information:

August 2022: Dr Kerstin Unfried attended the GLOHRA field trip for early career researchers in Geneva organized by the Global Health Academy. Please see the website of the German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) for further details:  

June 2022: Various members of the Health Economics Research group participated in different conferences and workshops. Dr Kerstin Unfried presented her work at the German Development Economics Conference (German Economic Association) and the annual conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Dr Jan Priebe presented at the annual conference of the German society for Tropical Medicine.

April 2022: Dr Jan Priebe joined the Hamburg Center for Health Economics (University of Hamburg) as an affiliate. Please see for further details. 

Research Group Health Economics