Overview - Our Research Focus

“…the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition…” (WHO constitution entered into force 7th of April 1948)

The international medical community has focused a lot of attention on response to emergencies, epidemics and infectious diseases in humanitarian settings. Nevertheless, in order to reach equity in care, major efforts are required to prevent epidemics and to manage those diseases which have long-term effects on the life of people impacting the quality of their lives.

Non-acute infections and chronic disorders are often neglected in humanitarian settings, mostly because they do not require an immediate response, and they are usually characterized by a complex management structure. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), and particularly schistosomiasis, are a clear example of complex diseases, poorly managed and lacking attention both in terms of technological and structural innovation.

Prevention and the integration of health care services are crucial for the timely and effective management of complex diseases. Prevention can reduce high medical costs, and the integration of services into existing health care can promote sustainability.

Our research group focuses on operational and implementation research studies aimed at identifying solutions for prevention and management of diseases of poverty, with a main emphasis on NTDs and schistosomiasis. The majority of our studies are conducted in Madagascar, where a high burden of schistosomiasis exists. Additional studies are conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa with a major focus on West-Africa.


AG Implementationsforschung

Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.: eine Forscherin vor dunklen roten Backstein Hintergrund, die ihre blonden schulterlangen Haar offen trägt.
Abteilung Infektionsepidemiologie

Ph.D. Daniela Fusco

Telefon: +49 40 285380-504

E-Mail: fusco@bnitm.de

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