Dr. Nicole Wiederroth
Project Manager
I am a historian for African history with a strong interest in cultural and environmental history. Before I began to work at the BNITM, I was a lecturer and research assistant at the Historical Institute at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Hamburg in Germany for several years.
I hold a Magistra Artium (M.A.) in African Studies and Gender Studies from the Humboldt-University in Berlin, and gained my Doctorate (Ph.D.) in modern and contemporary history with an analysis of South African media during the Second World War from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2015. Afterwards, I decided to focus also on another subject, precisely on environmental history. As a postdoc researcher at the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP/CEN and the History Department at the University of Hamburg, my emphasis in research was on processes of environmental transformation and perception at the example of today’s Tanzania. Under the working title “(Forced) Migration, Environmental Change and Climate”, my research includes a broad range of topics such as migration, mobility, health, development and humanitarian aid. The analysis puts an emphasis on social hierarchies, marginalisation, racism and ask for practises of visualisation and alternative re-interpretations of (historical) data. In 2018/19, I received a Joint Junior Research Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the UCL and the German Historical Institute in London. Fortunately, the time I spent at the IAS and the GHIL enabled me to strengthen my interdisciplinary approach, combining e.g. historical research, migration studies, visual history and theories and approaches in political ecology and anthropology.
Research interests: Environmental History, In/Justice, Health, History of Migration and Mobility, Media History, Visual History.
E-Mail: nicole.wiederroth@bnitm.de
Wiederroth, Nicole, “Tanganyika’s Unhealthy Wilderness. The Visibility of Colonial Space”, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 56, 2 (2023), 215-241 (URL: https://www.bu.edu/phpbin/ijahs/publications/?pid=788).
Wiederroth, Nicole, Das Mwese Highland Refugee Settlement und (Neu)Interpretationen des Wandels. Zum Ringen zwischen Mensch und Natur, Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte, 69, 1 (2019), 79-108 (URL: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/10.7788/saec.2019.69.1.79).
Wiederroth, Nicole, Südafrikas Propaganda im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Zur medialen Legitimation einer kolonialen Ordnung. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag (2016).
Wiederroth, Nicole, “Radio broadcasting for blacks during the Second World War: ‘It could be dangerous ...’”, Historia. Journal of the Historical Association of South Africa, 57, 2 (2012), 104-149 (URL: reference.sabinet.co.za/sa_epublication_article/hist_v57_n2_a4).
Wiederroth, Nicole, "'The stories they tell us are of fables' – Der Broadcasting Service für die schwarze Bevölkerung in der Südafrikanischen Union, 1940-1945", Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 12, 22 (2012), 61-101 (URL: stichproben.univie.ac.at/).
Review of Ingo Haltermann; Julia Tischler (Hg. v.), Environmental Change and African Societies (Leiden 2019), in: H-Soz-Kult, 05.02.2021 (https://www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-93310).
Review of Mari K. Webel, The Politics of Disease Control: Sleeping Sickness in Eastern Africa (Athens 2019), Dhau. Jahrbuch für Außereuropäische Geschichte, 5, 2020, 222-231.
Tanganyika's Unhealthy Wilderness. The Visibility of Colonial Space
- Wiederroth, Nicole
- International Journal of African Historical Studies. 56(2)