Research Featured by the Press
To date, our research has been covered by more than 300 media outlets across the world, including press articles, TV reports, interviews, and radio shows. Select examples are:
Smithsonian Magazine: From Chimps Eating Medicinal Plants to Footprints Tracking Our Early Relatives, Here Are the Most Significant Human Evolution Discoveries of 2024, print and online article, 2025.
BBC News: Chimpanzees ‘self-medicate’ with healing plants. TV news, radio interview & online article, 2024.
Science: Chimps use more plant medicines than any other animal, print and online article. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); 2024.
El Pais: Chimpanzees take their own antibiotics. in English and Spanish language, print and online article / interview, 2024.
Washington Post: Chimpanzees seen with healing plants when sick or injured. print and online article / interview, 2024.
PBS News: Meet the wild chimpanzees revealing the medicinal properties of plants to researchers. TV report and interview, 2024.
Der stern: Wie Schimpansen Durchfall und Entzündungen mit Heilpflanzen behandeln (English: How chimpanzees treat diarrhea and inflammation with medicinal plants. Print and online article / interview, 2024.
Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Natur-Apotheke Regenwald: Schimpansen nehmen Heilpflanzen zu sich. print and online artic
CBS News: Chimpanzees seek out medicinal plants to treat injuries and illnesses, study finds. Online article, 2024.
New Scientist: Sick chimpanzees seek out range of plants with medicinal properties. Online article / interview, 2024.
Deutschlandfunk Nova: Radio interview, 2024; available as mp3 upon request
Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehen: Heilpfanzen aus der Apotheke des Regenwaldes. TV show, 24.06.2024
Ein Interview mit Dr. Fabien Schultz, ein Forscher und Entdecker, der die Welt verändert. (English: Interviewing Dr. Fabien Schultz, a researcher and explorer, who changes the world). Newspaper article. Nordkurier, August 2022
Traditionellem Heilwissen bis zu seinen Wurzeln folgen. (English: Following traditional medical knowledge to its roots). Magazine article. Natürlich gesund und munter magazine, Oktober 2022 issue,
Dr. Fabien Schultz zählt zu den 50 spannendsten Wissenschaftlern der Welt. Seine Forschungsextrakte findet er aber auch im Broda Wald. (English: Dr. Fabien Schultz is among the 50 most exciting scientists worldwide. Some of his research extracts are also sourced from the forest in Broda, Germany). Magazine article. HSNB Jubiläumsbroschüre, 2022
Forscher erhält Ehrung für Wirkstoffsuche in Afrika. (English: Researcher receives prestigious award for the search for new drugs from Africa). Newspaper article. Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 2022
Neubrandenburger verändert die Welt. (English: Neubrandenburg Scientist is changing the world). Newspaper article. Nordkurier, Mai 2022
Wissenschaftler erhält Ehrung für Wirkstoffsuche in Afrika. (English: Researcher receives prestitigous award for the search for new drugs from Africa). Die ZEIT, Ostseewelle und RTL news, April 2022;
Von New York nach Oxford, von Uganda an die Seenplatte. (English: From New York to Oxford, from Uganda to the Lake District). Newspaper article. Nordkurier, March 2022
Der Heilkraft afrikanischer Pflanzen auf der Spur. (English: Investigating the healing power of African plants) Newspaper article. Nordkurier. February 2021
Legenden im Club der Abenteurer. (English: Legends of the Club of Adventurers). Magazine article. Geo magazine. 2014688, July 2021
Beitrag im Rahmen zu „Antibiotika – das ist wichtig zu wissen!“ (English: Contribution to “Antibiotics – what you need to know) TV report, ARD buffet. ARD, November 6, 2020:
Neue Strategien gegen multiresistente Krankheitserreger. (English: New strategies against multidrug-resistant pathogens) TV report, UM6 – Das Ländermagazin, RBB - Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, September 25, 2020
Heilpflanzen: Alternative zu Antibiotika? (English: Medicinal plants: An alternative to antibiotics?) TV report, Nordmagazin. NDR -Norddeutscher Rundfunk, September 24, 2020:
Neue Wirkstoffe im Kampf gegen antibiotikaresistente Keime. (English: Novel drug leads to combat antibiotic-resistant germs) NDR radio report/interview. Norddeutscher Rundfunk, September 2020
Zwischen multiresistenten Keimen, Heilpflanzen und Pickleball. (English: In between multidrug-resistant germs, medicinal plants and pickleball) Fulbright News, Our Fulbrighters, February 19, 2019
Heilmittel aus dem Dschungel (English: Natural remedies from the jungle). NDR radio interview. Norddeutscher Rundfunk MV, November 2017
Vergessene Medizin (English: Forgotten medicine). Newspaper article. Nordkurier, November 2017
Science beyond borders. Magazine article. INFORM magazine, American Oil Chemist's Society, October issue, 2017