Research Objectives

Research Objectives in Brief:

  1. Documentation of traditional medical knowledge/behavioral observations, including sample collection

  2. Pharmacological pre-clinical assessment of natural remedies in the laboratory, including the archiving of a portion of nature’s chemical diversity for future generations to study in light of the global loss of biodiversity.

  3. Early-stage drug discovery and AI-powered discovery of bioactive compounds

  4. Contribution to best practice recommendations on implementing international research ethics, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Nagoya Protocol in the fields of ethnopharmacology and zoopharmacognosy, e.g., actively ensuring Access and Benefit-Sharing agreements and the promotion of community and conservation projects

Current fieldwork locations include: 

  • Uganda

  • Tanzania

  • Kenya

  • South Africa

  • Burkina Faso

  • Germany






Junior Research Group Schultz