Meet the Team

Scientific Staff

Portrait Photo of Dr. Nahla Metwally
Dr. Nahla Metwally   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

Dr. Nahla Galal Metwally

Principal Investigator (CV)

Phone: +49 40 285380-443


DZIF (German center for infection research)

Leibniz Center Infection (LCI)
Joint project with Research Center Borstel (Prof. Dr. Holger Heine)

Jürgen Manchot Foundation



Research Interest

"I focus on studying the role of human microRNAs in the pathogenesis of the complications during Plasmodium falciparum infection. Since altered microRNA profiles have been described for many types of infections recently, microRNAs could be an appropriate drug target for the treatment of infectious disease. The role of human microRNAs in Malaria is not yet described in the literature."

here are more details about the project

Portrait photo of PhD student Juliett Anders of the Research Group on Host Parasite Interaction.
Juliett Anders   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

Dr. Juliett Anders

Contact: (-474)

Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Research Project

"In my project I am investigating the invasion process of Entamoeba histolytica through the intestinal tissues. For this purpose, I have established a murine organoid-derived 2D monolayer model of the small and large intestine. Immune cells and a microbiome can be added to the system to study the effects of co-incubation. Furthermore, I am characterizing different E. histolytica transfectants, which overexpress or silence a gene that is probably involved in the pathogenicity of the parasite."

PhD/MD Students

Portrait photo of the doctoral student Johannes Allweier in front of a grey concrete wall in the new building of the BNITM.
Johannes Allweier   ©BNITM

Johannes Allweier

Contact: (-397)

Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG); Priority Programme “Physics of Parasitism” (SPP 2332)
Joint PhD project with Research Center Borstel (Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutsmann)


Portrait photo of PhD student Pilar Martinez Tauler of the Research Group on Host-Parasite Interaction.
Pilar Martínez   ©BNITM

Pilar Martínez

Contact: (-397)

Funding: Leibniz Center Infection (LCI)
Joint PhD project with Research Center Borstel (Prof. Dr. Holger Heine)

Portrait photo of PhD student Hanifeh Torabi of the Research Group on Host Parasite Interaction.
Hanifeh Torabi   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

Hanifeh Torabi

Contact: (-474)

Funding: Jürgen Manchot Foundation

Research Project

"Understanding the pathogenesis of P. falciparum infection in the context of host-parasite interaction could lead to targets for adjunctive therapies. Since cytoadhesion does not provide the full explanation for the complications associated with malaria, extracellular vesicles (EVs) as cargo from cell to cell, carrying proteins and nucleic acids, are being investigated to gain a better understanding of the interaction between parasite and host. In my project, I am investigating the transcriptomes of lung endothelial cells exposed to different stimuli occurring during P. falciparum infection in order to analyze the different profiles of tissue-specific P. falciparum infected erythrocytes communication".

Master Student David Danicic-Rauchberger of the Reserach Grup Host Parasite Interaction
David Danicic-Rauchberger   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

David Danicic-Rauchberger

PhD Student 

Contact: (-474)

Funding: Claussen-Simon-Stiftung


Young text
  Michel-Ruben Glagowski ©BNITM

Michel-Ruben Glagowski

PhD Student (Hamburg University)

Contact: (-474)

Marlena Kemper
Marlena Kemper   ©BNITM

Marlena Kemper (MD student)

Contact: (-474)

Funding: DZIF

Graduate Students

Portrait photo of Master student Rebeca Erler of the Research Group on Host Parasite Interaction.
Rebeca Erler   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

Rebecca Erler

Master Student 

Contact: (-474)

Portrait Photo of Nadja Götz
Nadja Götz   ©BNITM| Dino Schachten

Nadja Götz

Master Student

Contact: (-724)


Wiebke Böhm   ©BNITM

Wiebke Böhm
Telefon: +49 40 285380 270
Fax: +49 40 285380 265


Graphical representation of laboratory utensils   ©BNITM

Susann Ofori
Technical assistant
Telefon:    +49 40 285380 397


AG Wirt-Parasit-Interaktion

Prof. Iris Bruchhaus, eine Forscherin mit weiß-blauer Bluse, gelocktem halblangen Haar, Brille und offenem Lächeln
Research Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Iris Bruchhaus

Telefon: +49 40 285380-472


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  • Logo Jürgen Manchot Stiftung
  • Logo DFG