- DFG Research Training Program 2771 "Humans & Microbes"
- ERC Advanced Grant MALART "Cellular basis of Artemisinin resistance in malaria parasites"
- Leibniz Collaborative Excellence Grant MaNuFunc "Functional architecture of the nucleus of malaria parasites" (with Richárd Bártfai, Nijmegen, NL)
- Joachim Herz Graduate School 'Infection Biology of Tropical Pathogens'
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
- Jürgen Manchot Stiftung
Previous funding
- Ortrud Mührer Foundation (through the Vereinigung der Freunde des Tropeninstituts Hamburg e.V.)
- DFG (SP1209/4-1): Functional characterization of the main protein components of the parasite-host cell interface of Plasmodium falciparum blood stages (completed)
- GRK1459: Sorting and Interactions between Proteins of Subcellular Compartments (completed)
- SPP1580 (SP1209/3-1): Intracellular Compartments as Places of Pathogen-Host-Interaction (completed)
- DFG (SP1209/2-1) (completed)
- DFG (SP1209/1-3) (completed)
- DFG (SP1209/1-2) (completed)
- DFG (SP1209/1-1) (completed)
- Claussen Simon Stiftung (completed)
- DZIF (Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung) (completed)