

In collaboration with the National Leprosy Control Programme of the Ghana Health Service, we work on a retrospective registry-based analysis of surveillance data from the National Leprosy Programme in Ghana and evaluate of Ghana’s progress towards the targets of the World Health Organisation's Global Leprosy Strategy.


Establishment of a Clinical Trial Infrastructure

To build capacities for the conduct of interventional clinical trials in the field of leprosy in West Africa, we collaborate with the National Leprosy Control Programme in Ghana on the establishment of a GCP-compliant clinical research infrastructure for leprosy-focussed clinical studies.


Lab Group Groger

Dr. Mirjam Groger: eine Forscherin mit schulterlangen, braunen Haaren mit Mittelscheitel und einem hellem Pullover.
Research Group Leader

Dr. Mirjam Groger

Telefon: +49 40 285380 480

E-Mail: groger@bnitm.de