Implementation Research

Implementation Research

Ein Gruppenfoto draußen in der Natur. Die Gruppe steht in zwei Reihen und alle schauen in Richtung des Bildbetrachters.


Our lab group focuses on operational and implementation research studies aimed at identifying solutions for prevention and management of diseases of poverty, with a main emphasis on NTDs and schistosomiasis. The majority of our studies are conducted in Madagascar, where a high burden of schistosomiasis exists. Additional studies are conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa with a major focus on francophone-Africa.

In collaboration with the International Teaching and Capacity Building Unit, higher education and capacity building activities are coordinated by the Implementation Research Group.

Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.: eine Forscherin vor dunklen roten Backstein Hintergrund, die ihre blonden schulterlangen Haar offen trägt.
Head of Lab Group

Ph.D. Daniela Fusco

Telefon: +49 40 285380-504


AG Implementationsforschung

  • GHPP logo
  • EDCTP logo
  • COR NTD logo
  • Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung Logo
  • DZIF logo
  • Hospital Partnership logo
  • GLOHRA logo
  • Federal Foreign Office